Saturday, November 3, 2007

Drewing Profile

6 years ago, I am worked at the Englewood NJ, Citibank/Citigroup combination departments of receiving cashes and or checks into verification procedures nor either paper works or machinery. Also photoshop into negative verdicts section , that room extremely smelly stinks, great people great working atomsphere cold as hell dued to the fact film needs to you know what............
The above profile was how I am , drewing by a coworker name Anderson, he's a part time artist back in his where from, being able to experiencing immigration could be exhaling if you having great techique ,but lack of the skill or languages in a new world where lives begins again in new formation, it has to be left behind. The out draw withness by his section partner Yvonne S. During the Lunch time at the cafeteria down stair ground floor, where Y.S given me a bottle of wine still stored in the freeze simply a promise of some one do not existing anyhow.........It does not mean i can not sip a bit , if the season arrive what the head.The present who alive always a greater deal than who so ever not belongs toward...........The heart is a peaceful place if it placed right. Love is an easy word, what blending into is a technologies still under discover channel prehaps.;) Where I found it on my him..........................
I can not believed how similar it looks while attaching photos back then, now, just a flash back of youth, not passing yet! life goes on that's all! Simply the best ! After all! Soon! as................

Ah, My My

Animation of friendship
This puppy has a special tale- I am extremely down that day where everything seem too perfect as usual, as my growing path of being an adult, nothing quite bothering more than an hour or so. I do not realized why every one around me consider I am a cheerful person til I starting to really into Thinking. I saw a true huge dog on the street and appear another one the other street for more than 4-6 times , I was like maybe it was a big dog racing day . I browsing into this Grand Opening 99 cents store and found this one can not take my eye of kind. Actually, I am walked by passed , backwardly glance back, his eye sparkles while seeing left or right even in the center, the painter sured very paying attention on him, maybe it was that person's day's in harmony. Every line section in his paw are exactly where it supposed. From deep to stronger with emotions.
The above apple oatments and that beads butterfly was hand made by a long time person name Xiu L. A person who has married on the day of my Birthday! There was another person whose husband's B.D landed the same as well and he is exactly another Chinese animal cycle mythology of 12 years. Isn't life full of positively!

I am not a big jewelry person, this type of hanging musical could have been my second one. The above three little Russian style little person was given by my sister.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Charlie Brown Heavy Metal Christmas

Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me

Love contain a container

Another Day

I rushed to the UES museum on a late afternoon the other day for an exhibition the last montly thing,wrongly, I got the mistaken date on failure.Lol.......... not quite suprising for recently purpose on remembering the importance in regular daily lives. I am wandered around the area of long times, headed into this park and caught some pics......................Is a big historical park!
This is the outer layer of the museum at sun dusk while employees are getting off at the M.

This summer , supposely I'll be hanging out with a couples of good friends around NY M. I had pointed this one for those who studied their own favorite field(s). I did not with them.
Out of luck, two of them do received a few optional plan of working in multi M in NY as spense of this High/Low town. A globe without population, an reflection toward building image that reflex the people of the world that do seem more/less than the absoluted value of being alive.

Difference of angles reforms differculities of conceptive toward unlikely thinkers.
I have seen this as an Art of when ever what so ever what ever conceptive on self-esteem.

Does give you a feel of England or Europe?
This is actually NY on UES.

I can never had fiqured out why those unique grass/plantation have such talented creativty over the growing direction. Hanging freely what ever they liked. It must be nature's fault.:)

An old friend of mine used to worked around one of those window(s) that I haven't visited at once. Most of my friends have good career orientation and I hardly pay any visit simply I respect and enjoying while chit chat with as they mentioned and I can adapted more with my own daily routine in my job. I called my working experiencing as Job simply I do not seem to understand all those fancy vocabularies people put on as their Title(s), What does it really represent(ed) anyhoo?