Thursday, November 1, 2007

Another Day

I rushed to the UES museum on a late afternoon the other day for an exhibition the last montly thing,wrongly, I got the mistaken date on failure.Lol.......... not quite suprising for recently purpose on remembering the importance in regular daily lives. I am wandered around the area of long times, headed into this park and caught some pics......................Is a big historical park!
This is the outer layer of the museum at sun dusk while employees are getting off at the M.

This summer , supposely I'll be hanging out with a couples of good friends around NY M. I had pointed this one for those who studied their own favorite field(s). I did not with them.
Out of luck, two of them do received a few optional plan of working in multi M in NY as spense of this High/Low town. A globe without population, an reflection toward building image that reflex the people of the world that do seem more/less than the absoluted value of being alive.

Difference of angles reforms differculities of conceptive toward unlikely thinkers.
I have seen this as an Art of when ever what so ever what ever conceptive on self-esteem.

Does give you a feel of England or Europe?
This is actually NY on UES.

I can never had fiqured out why those unique grass/plantation have such talented creativty over the growing direction. Hanging freely what ever they liked. It must be nature's fault.:)

An old friend of mine used to worked around one of those window(s) that I haven't visited at once. Most of my friends have good career orientation and I hardly pay any visit simply I respect and enjoying while chit chat with as they mentioned and I can adapted more with my own daily routine in my job. I called my working experiencing as Job simply I do not seem to understand all those fancy vocabularies people put on as their Title(s), What does it really represent(ed) anyhoo?

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