Going to the French Festival with Nalsh and his parents,we are walked by this Chinese Porcelain company Nalsh shout out " That's where we worked before as a PT sales person 9 years ago."(explaining its resource toward customers) Nalsh got very excited the Company still existing. Nalsh and I met through the Annual French Festival held in New York City 10 yrs ago, he told me he in needed a job in oreder to survive in nyc for a couples of month, I introduced him for an interview and smarty got this kick ass PT . It was totally stressful (yes, only PT OMG), managers pushing Sale Sale Sale every second, customers simply Look Look Look around ,Thank you.lolllllll

Nalsh , I know you called your uncles , aunties, granny as your customers! ha ha ha
So Do I ! lolllll ( Thank you all friends!)
I really enjoying those crazy days of pulling customers around the streets with you too!
True truth of those kick assing days!;)
You are a ridiate warmth,joy,humor and beautiful manner person among my friends !You are the first person who taught me how to see beauty in other.
My parents would like to thank you for being courteous.
Tell Walter & Mae it's my pleasure!
I really enjoy your blog as well,i love every piece of handmade furniture your talented parents create! Ha ha ha .....I can not believed you stored those "Big birds" stil.
You are a handsome French man!Keep that in mind- It must be a reason you are nice looking among others!lol......
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