Even Governors Island, once a smiling garden, appertaining to the sovereigns of the province, was now covered with fortifications, enclosing a tremendous block house- so that this once peaceful island resembled a fierce little warrior in a big cocked hat, breathing gunpowder and defiance to the world!
---Washington Irving ,1809

Getting Aboard!

I didn't get a chance to visit this office, I love this tree, full with colorful energy.

Arts at the Admiral's house and buildings - These black & white printings catch my eyes of lyrics " Here today, gone tomorrow, never forgotten."!

The clouds above me come together and disperse;
The breeze in the courtyard departs and returns.
Life is like that, so why not relax?

Silly me, tried to stop the wind before messing up my messy hair,lolllllllll
I have to admit on thing- I've a wonderful life......today! ha ha ha .........

The pianist of Odetta Concert

Odetta is one of the most influential artists of the 20th Century. Her 1950s and 60s classic recordings of " He's got the whole world in his hands," " Kumbaya", " Goodnight Irene," " Amazing Grace'' and " This little light of mine,'' became folk and spirtual classics throughout the world and inspired an entire generation.

Spirtual minded folks from different boroughs of NYC and world round tourist at the concert

Explaination of the parks today

In Exhibit hall - Cuny climate change Science Exhibition

Riding on a tram with our ranger Allison, she was totally spectacular public speaker
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